Hypnosis, or a hypnotic state, is a temporary condition of altered attention in an individual. A hypnotist is a person who uses hypnotism. Scientific evidence suggests that hypnotism is useful when it is practiced by qualified professionals. For example, some professionals use hypnotism to treat patients who have certain medical or psychological problems.
While learning to hypnotize is to keep in mind that humans are not supernatural beings. Therefore, refrain from asking a hypnotized person to do something that you would never do. You also need to let the person know what is going to happen to him or her after being hypnotized. Always keep one thing in mind, hypnotism is no game, it is an art that needs to be taken seriously.
The way to confirm this will vary from person to person, but there are usually a few telltale signs; the person may twitch, or move erratically. Their eyes may water, and their face muscles will become completely relaxed.So in order to hypnotize someone, they must be willing, they must be comfortable with you, and they must be open to the idea. Remember that people will only do things that they would do in a normal state, and that usually does not include murder or anything of the like, unless you've gotten hold of a very twisted individual.
Hypnosis is something we experience almost everyday like when we are caught up with watching a movie or reading a book, we are completely in a state of hypnosis. From what I've learnt over the years and equally applied it hypnosis is easy to apply than most people thinks. One of the ways on how to hypnotize others is the popular method called progressive relaxation style, make the person you want to hypnotize whether a man or a woman lay down in cool and relaxed way.
Usually people who are certain that they can't be hypnotized have a deep seated need for control and think that if they allow themselves to be hypnotized they will be giving up control so they will never allow themselves to relax enough to get to the hypnotic state. But you never give up control of your mind or body during hypnosis and you're never unconscious. Your conscious mind is just very deeply relaxed and letting the subconscious mind come to the forefront.
Self-confidence is another thing that can be gained through effective hypnotism as well as creating a hypnotic personality by overcoming some of the social fears that often prevent us from being our natural, magnetic selves in public.If you'd like to bring these positive results to your own lives or help others enhance their lives with similar results, then you are a good candidate for learning to hypnotize someone. The idea of helping others is a very noble reason to learn to the skill of hypnotism.
Hypnotizing someone is done usually by starting a conversation with the subject which need not be a bidirectional always but the hypnotizer necessarily has to have the ability to combine words, change voice and pronunciation as may be necessary from time to time during the course of conversation. Mind you, for the hypnotizing to be any effective, all the variations must be meaningful with timing. When properly done, hypnotizing can really make the person forget all pains.